
Welcome to Everyday Idealist. Everyday will have a new, positive and practical action to help humans, animals, and our planet.



Today we are going to start as local as you can get: yourself!

Today is simple. Just give yourself compliments.


That's it. (Don't worry serious folks, more serious tasks lie ahead)

You like your big butt and you cannot lie. You have awesome handwriting. Your breath is so delightfully bad in the morning that your dog cannot wait to get in there for a kiss.  You are a great friend. You kept the baby clothed and fed for another 24 hours. You got to work on time. You were only five minutes late today. You ate a delicious bag of Cheetos. YAY YOU!

If something negative pops up (which it will) try to turn it into a compliment. If you get so good at this game start giving sincere compliments to others but it's o.k. if you just focus on yourself.  

Loving yourself is the hardest nice thing you can do but if everyone loved themselves more a lot of world pickles would be solved.

See you tomorrow.





Tomorrow! Tomorrow!

Tomorrow! Tomorrow!