
Welcome to Everyday Idealist. Everyday will have a new, positive and practical action to help humans, animals, and our planet.



Today (and over the weekend)! We are going to pretend we are kids.

There used to be something creative you LOVED to do as a kid. Whether it was drawing, writing, sewing, painting, dancing, acting, singing - there was SOMETHING you loved to create when you were little.

Today, remember what that thing was. That one thing you used to love doing and today (and over the weekend) - give yourself permission to do it. If you liked to watercolor - dust them off! If you liked to glue googly eyes on a piece of construction paper - permission granted to glue all the googly eyes on all the construction paper. Permission granted to plant daffodils, paint tennis shoes, write poems with cut up words from magazines. You don't have to tell anyone what you are doing and you can toss it later. Just go for it!

Take 20 minutes and give it over to your creative self today. Show him or her that you still care.


See you Monday.

Emoji Week

Emoji Week

