
Welcome to Everyday Idealist. Everyday will have a new, positive and practical action to help humans, animals, and our planet.



Today! We are going to meditate.

5, 10, 15 minutes or more - whatever you can manage.

Meditation can be as simple or as challenging as you make it. Go to a quiet place in your home and sit comfortably in silence for awhile. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back. You can focus on your breath. You can focus on the air conditioner humming. You can focus on the sound OMMMMMMMMMM as you chant it out. 

If you would like a little help we highly recommend the Headspace app

For extra credit: meditate Saturday and Sunday too.

Let's meet back here Monday calmer, more mindful, and ready to tackle the next week.

Victory Gardens

Victory Gardens

The More You Know

The More You Know